Chapter Report – Fall 2014


Fall 2014 – Board of Directors Meeting

  1. North Central Chapter–11
  2. Current Membership Count: 115
  3. Tax Identification Information (EIN): Federal EIN 27 2578246
  4. Incorporation Status and State of Domicile Not applicable
  5. IRS Tax-Exempt Status (501c3 or c6, other, or n/a)

Nonprofit, small tax-exempt organization receiving all revenue from AMWA, which is a 501(c)(3)

F. Chapter Leadership/Officers (Executive Committee)


  • Theresa King-Hunter, Immediate Past President, 1 Year
  • Ruth Taswell, President, 1 Year
  • Nissa Mollema, President-elect, 1 Year
  • Joy Frestedt, Treasurer, 2nd year of 3 Years
  • Carolyn Peterson, Secretary 3rd year of 3 Years
  • Naomi Ruff, Secretary, 1st year of 3 Years


G. Delegate(s) Assigned for BOD meeting

Nissa Mollema, President-elect, 1 year


H. List of Chapter committees (Name of Committee, Chair, members, and goals)

Chapter Committees:

Finance Committee: Karen Bannick, chair; Ellen O’Malley, Theresa King-Hunter

Perform the yearly audit of financial records. Work with the Treasurer and chapter officers.

Membership Committee: Jenny Michlitsch, chair; Colleen Sauber, Mary Van Beusekom (LinkedIn manager)

Identify ways to recruit new members and understand the needs of current members

Program Committee: Karen Steinhilber, Chair; Joy Frestedt, Theresa King-Hunter (new chair effective Oct 2014), Nissa Mollema, Ruth Taswell

Offer 2 to 3 events a year: cover a writing or science topic, and hold at least 1 event in Rochester vs in the Twin Cities.

Publications Committee: Deborah Sugerman, chair; Marie Fleisner, Kelly Haagenson, Paul Mamula, Carolyn Peterson, Sharon Rosen, Naomi Ruff, Scott Wessels, Venugopal Thayanithy

Continue the monthly newsletter feature “What We Do,” which offers our membership a glimpse into chapter members’ various vocations. Recruit a new chair for 2015. Provide chapter book club notes, profiles of chapter members and announcements.

Wisconsin Regional Chair: Marie Fleisner (no activity to report)

North Dakota Regional Chair: Nancy Gustafson (no activity to report)

South Dakota Regional Chair: Jeff Kuper (no activity to report)


I. Brief Financial

See last page.


J. 2015 Chapter Conference dates and Conference Chair (if applicable)


Program events (Spring and Fall) to be determined

K. Summary of Progress since last report (may include information on the following)

In July, planning began for a recruitment-style program. The Membership Committee is working in collaboration with the Program Committee to identify colleges and programs that would be a good fit for recruiting new members.

The Publications Committee published several member profiles and event summaries. The committee has grown by two members in the past four months.

Our secretary, Naomi Ruff, worked through website updates and improvements to facilitate easier communication with our members and reinforce our relationship with HQ. This included updating website links to the new AMWA website, adding a calendar to display upcoming webinars and chapter conferences, and enhancing/updating our web page.

Earlier in the year, the EC began including committee chairs and regional chairs on monthly conference calls to deepen engagement and feedback for the chapter. The officers more recently began discussing the development of a scholarship to encourage new membership and student membership. A meeting is planned for September, 2014 to discuss the development and process for implementing the scholarship.

Marty Swain (member) and the Program Committee arranged a tour of the new Medical Devices Center at the University of Minnesota. Twenty-two AMWA members and guests attended the event and the program was well received. After the event, AMWA members gathered at a restaurant to network with colleagues. A fall program has yet to be planned.

A networking happy hour was held in the spring and the decision was made to try and hold four networking events per year. The event was advertised to the Postdoctoral Association at the University of Minnesota, and several students expressed interest in AMWA (one joined as a new member).

Chapter discussion groups in SE Minnesota and in the Twin Cities continue to focus on topics pertinent to medical writing and editing and project management. The Chapter Book Club coordinator has requested members to suggest books, meeting times and locations to expand participation.

L. List of Action Items or Discussion Items


The chapter has continued to struggle to find volunteers to participate on committees and fill leadership roles. We are currently in need of a new co-Treasurer.

The chapter is looking for ideas on how to recruit new members and serve long-time members.

AMWA North Central Chapter

Budget for July 2014 – June 2015

Balance as of June 30, 2014                                                                       $17,227.37


Projected receipts (based on 2013-2014 receipts)

Chapter rebate from National ($18 x 115 chapter members: decreased)        2,070.00

      Total projected receipts                                                                             2,070.00


Projected expenditures

Chapter meetings (Refreshments)                                                                    500.00

Chapter meetings (Honoraria, facilities)                                                        1,000.00

NEW Scholarship (details to be developed)                                                   1,000.00

Marketing (incl. competitive awards & advertising)                                         500.00

Delegate travel expenses (spring meeting, 1 delegate each)                              500.00

Delegate travel expenses (fall meeting, 1 delegate each)                                1,000.00

Website hosting fee* (2 years paid)                                                                      0.00

Gifts for outgoing officers (2 officers)**                                                              0.00

Teleconference charges (ILD Telecom: RollCall: increased 120 to 175)          175.00

E-mail marketing service                                                                                 100.00

Mailing costs (postage & envelopes)                                                                  50.00

Total projected expenditures                                                                    4,825.00


Projected balance for June 30, 2015                                                          $14,472.37


*Website hosting fee paid $286.20 on 10-15-13 to cover 3 years, through October 2016.

**Not available in 2014-2015

Prepared by Joy Frestedt, Treasurer

Approved 18 July 2014